Year | ||
YYYY | Numeric, four digits | 1999, 2003 |
YY | Numeric, two digits | 99, 03 |
Month | ||
MMMM | Textual, full | January-December |
MMM | Textual, three letters | Jan-Dec |
MM | Numeric, with leading zeros | 01-12 |
M | Numeric, without leading zeros | 1-12 |
Mo | Numeric, with suffix | 1st, 2nd ... 12th |
Day of the Year | ||
DDDD | Numeric, with leading zeros | 001-365 |
DDD | Numeric, without leading zeros | 1-365 |
DDDo | Numeric, with suffix | 1st, 2nd, ... 365th |
Day of the Month | ||
DD | Numeric, with leading zeros | 01-31 |
D | Numeric, without leading zeros | 1-31 |
Do | Numeric, with suffix | 1st, 2nd ... 31st |
Day of the Week | ||
dddd | Textual, full | Sunday-Saturday |
ddd | Textual, three letters | Sun-Sat |
dd | Textual, two letters | Su-Sa |
d | Numeric | 0-6 |
do | Numeric, with suffix | 0th, 1st ... 6th |
Hour | ||
HH | 24-hour, with leading zeros | 00-23 |
H | 24-hour, without leading zeros | 0-23 |
hh | 12-hour, with leading zeros | 01-12 |
h | 12-hour, without leading zeros | 1-12 |
Minute | ||
mm | Numeric, with leading zeros | 00-59 |
m | Numeric, without leading zeros | 0-59 |
Second | ||
ss | Numeric, with leading zeros | 00-59 |
s | Numeric, without leading zeros | 0-59 |
AM / PM | ||
A | AM/PM uppercase | AM, PM |
a | am/pm lowercase | am, pm |
Timezone | ||
ZZ | UTC offset | +0100, -0700 |
Z | UTC offset | +01:00, -07:00 |
Timestamp | ||
X | Unix timestamp | E.g. 1456887825 |
If the value for a selected parameter cannot be provided, it will display as blank.
Global | |
{tautulli_version} | The current version of Tautulli. |
{tautulli_remote} | The current git remote of Tautulli. |
{tautulli_branch} | The current git branch of Tautulli. |
{tautulli_commit} | The current git commit hash of Tautulli. |
{server_name} | The name of your Plex Server. |
{server_ip} | The connection IP address for your Plex Server. |
{server_port} | The connection port for your Plex Server. |
{server_url} | The connection URL for your Plex Server. |
{server_platform} | The platform of your Plex Server. |
{server_version} | The current version of your Plex Server. |
{server_machine_id} | The unique identifier for your Plex Server. |
{action} | The action that triggered the notification. |
{current_year} | The year when the notification is triggered. |
{current_month} | The month when the notification is triggered. (1 to 12) |
{current_day} | The day when the notification is triggered. (1 to 31) |
{current_hour} | The hour when the notification is triggered. (0 to 23) |
{current_minute} | The minute when the notification is triggered. (0 to 59) |
{current_second} | The second when the notification is triggered. (0 to 59) |
{current_weekday} | The ISO weekday when the notification is triggered. (1 (Mon) to 7 (Sun)) |
{current_week} | The ISO week number when the notification is triggered. (1 to 52) |
{datestamp} | The date (in date format) when the notification is triggered. |
{timestamp} | The time (in time format) when the notification is triggered. |
{unixtime} | The unix timestamp when the notification is triggered. |
{utctime} | The UTC timestamp in ISO format when the notification is triggered. |
Stream Details | |
{streams} | The total number of concurrent streams. |
{direct_plays} | The total number of concurrent direct plays. |
{direct_streams} | The total number of concurrent direct streams. |
{transcodes} | The total number of concurrent transcodes. |
{total_bandwidth} |
The total Plex Streaming Brain reserved bandwidth (in kbps).
(not the used bandwidth) |
{lan_bandwidth} |
The total Plex Streaming Brain reserved LAN bandwidth (in kbps).
(not the used bandwidth) |
{wan_bandwidth} |
The total Plex Streaming Brain reserved WAN bandwidth (in kbps).
(not the used bandwidth) |
{user_streams} | The number of concurrent streams by the user streaming. |
{user_direct_plays} | The number of concurrent direct plays by the user streaming. |
{user_direct_streams} | The number of concurrent direct streams by the user streaming. |
{user_transcodes} | The number of concurrent transcodes by the user streaming. |
{user} | The friendly name of the user streaming. |
{username} | The username of the user streaming. |
{user_email} | The email address of the user streaming. |
{user_thumb} | The profile picture URL of the user streaming. |
{device} | The type of client device being used for playback. |
{platform} | The type of client platform being used for playback. |
{product} | The type of client product being used for playback. |
{player} | The name of the player being used for playback. |
{initial_stream} | If the stream is the initial stream of a continuous streaming session. (0 or 1) |
{ip_address} | The IP address of the device being used for playback. |
{stream_duration} | The duration (in minutes) for the stream. |
{stream_time} | The duration (in time format) of the stream. |
{remaining_duration} | The remaining duration (in minutes) of the stream. |
{remaining_time} | The remaining duration (in time format) of the stream. |
{progress_duration} | The last reported offset (in minutes) of the stream. |
{progress_time} | The last reported offset (in time format) of the stream. |
{progress_percent} | The last reported progress percent of the stream. |
{transcode_decision} | The transcode decision of the stream. |
{container_decision} | The container transcode decision of the stream. |
{video_decision} | The video transcode decision of the stream. |
{audio_decision} | The audio transcode decision of the stream. |
{subtitle_decision} | The subtitle transcode decision of the stream. |
{quality_profile} | The Plex quality profile of the stream. (e.g. Original, 4 Mbps 720p, etc.) |
{optimized_version} | If the stream is an optimized version. (0 or 1) |
{optimized_version_profile} | The optimized version profile of the stream. |
{synced_version} | If the stream is an synced version. (0 or 1) |
{live} | If the stream is live TV. (0 or 1) |
{channel_call_sign} | The Live TV channel call sign. |
{channel_identifier} | The Live TV channel number. |
{channel_thumb} | The URL for the Live TV channel logo. |
{secure} | If the stream is using a secure connection. (0 or 1) |
{relayed} | If the stream is using Plex Relay. (0 or 1) |
{stream_local} | If the stream is local. (0 or 1) |
{stream_location} | The network location of the stream. (lan or wan) |
{stream_bandwidth} |
The Plex Streaming Brain reserved bandwidth (in kbps) of the stream.
(not the used bandwidth) |
{stream_container} | The media container of the stream. |
{stream_bitrate} | The bitrate (in kbps) of the stream. |
{stream_aspect_ratio} | The aspect ratio of the stream. |
{stream_video_codec} | The video codec of the stream. |
{stream_video_codec_level} | The video codec level of the stream. |
{stream_video_bitrate} | The video bitrate (in kbps) of the stream. |
{stream_video_bit_depth} | The video bit depth of the stream. |
{stream_video_chroma_subsampling} | The video chroma subsampling of the stream. |
{stream_video_color_primaries} | The video color primaries of the stream. |
{stream_video_color_range} | The video color range of the stream. |
{stream_video_color_space} | The video color space of the stream. |
{stream_video_color_trc} | The video transfer function of the stream. |
{stream_video_dynamic_range} | The video dynamic range of the stream. (HDR or SDR) |
{stream_video_framerate} | The video framerate of the stream. |
{stream_video_full_resolution} | The video resolution of the stream with scan type. |
{stream_video_ref_frames} | The video reference frames of the stream. |
{stream_video_resolution} | The video resolution of the stream. |
{stream_video_scan_type} | The video scan type of the stream. |
{stream_video_height} | The video height of the stream. |
{stream_video_width} | The video width of the stream. |
{stream_video_language} | The video language of the stream. |
{stream_video_language_code} | The video language code of the stream. |
{stream_audio_bitrate} | The audio bitrate of the stream. |
{stream_audio_bitrate_mode} | The audio bitrate mode of the stream. (cbr or vbr) |
{stream_audio_codec} | The audio codec of the stream. |
{stream_audio_channels} | The audio channels of the stream. |
{stream_audio_channel_layout} | The audio channel layout of the stream. |
{stream_audio_sample_rate} | The audio sample rate (in Hz) of the stream. |
{stream_audio_language} | The audio language of the stream. |
{stream_audio_language_code} | The audio language code of the stream. |
{stream_subtitle_codec} | The subtitle codec of the stream. |
{stream_subtitle_container} | The subtitle container of the stream. |
{stream_subtitle_format} | The subtitle format of the stream. |
{stream_subtitle_forced} | If the subtitles are forced. (0 or 1) |
{stream_subtitle_language} | The subtitle language of the stream. |
{stream_subtitle_language_code} | The subtitle language code of the stream. |
{stream_subtitle_location} | The subtitle location of the stream. |
{transcode_container} | The media container of the transcoded stream. |
{transcode_video_codec} | The video codec of the transcoded stream. |
{transcode_video_width} | The video width of the transcoded stream. |
{transcode_video_height} | The video height of the transcoded stream. |
{transcode_audio_codec} | The audio codec of the transcoded stream. |
{transcode_audio_channels} | The audio channels of the transcoded stream. |
{transcode_hw_requested} | If hardware decoding/encoding was requested. (0 or 1) |
{transcode_hw_decoding} | If hardware decoding is used. (0 or 1) |
{transcode_hw_decode} | The hardware decoding codec. |
{transcode_hw_decode_title} | The hardware decoding codec title. |
{transcode_hw_encoding} | If hardware encoding is used. (0 or 1) |
{transcode_hw_encode} | The hardware encoding codec. |
{transcode_hw_encode_title} | The hardware encoding codec title. |
{session_key} | The unique identifier for the session. |
{transcode_key} | The unique identifier for the transcode session. |
{session_id} | The unique identifier for the stream. |
{user_id} | The unique identifier for the user. |
{machine_id} | The unique identifier for the player. |
Source Metadata Details | |
{media_type} | The type of media. (movie, show, season, episode, artist, album, track, clip) |
{title} | The full title of the item. |
{library_name} | The library name of the item. |
{show_name} | The title of the TV series. |
{episode_name} | The title of the episode. |
{artist_name} | The name of the artist. |
{album_name} | The title of the album. |
{track_name} | The title of the track. |
{track_artist} | The name of the artist of the track. |
{season_num} | The season number. (e.g. 1, or 1-3) |
{season_num00} | The two digit season number. (e.g. 01, or 01-03) |
{episode_num} | The episode number. (e.g. 6, or 6-10) |
{episode_num00} | The two digit episode number. (e.g. 06, or 06-10) |
{track_num} | The track number. (e.g. 4, or 4-10) |
{track_num00} | The two digit track number. (e.g. 04, or 04-10) |
{season_count} | The number of seasons. |
{episode_count} | The number of episodes. |
{album_count} | The number of albums. |
{track_count} | The number of tracks. |
{year} | The release year for the item. |
{release_date} | The release date (in date format) for the item. |
{air_date} | The air date (in date format) for the item. |
{added_date} | The date (in date format) the item was added to Plex. |
{updated_date} | The date (in date format) the item was updated on Plex. |
{last_viewed_date} | The date (in date format) the item was last viewed on Plex. |
{studio} | The studio for the item. |
{content_rating} | The content rating for the item. (e.g. TV-MA, TV-PG, etc.) |
{directors} | A list of directors for the item. |
{writers} | A list of writers for the item. |
{actors} | A list of actors for the item. |
{genres} | A list of genres for the item. |
{labels} | A list of labels for the item. |
{collections} | A list of collections for the item. |
{summary} | A short plot summary for the item. |
{tagline} | A tagline for the media item. |
{rating} | The rating (out of 10) for the item. |
{critic_rating} |
The critic rating (%) for the item.
(Ratings source must be Rotten Tomatoes for the Plex Movie agent) |
{audience_rating} |
The audience rating for the item.
(Rating out of 10 for IMDB, percentage (%) for Rotten Tomatoes and TMDB.) |
{user_rating} | The user (star) rating (out of 10) for the item. |
{duration} | The duration (in minutes) for the item. |
{poster_url} | A URL for the movie, TV show, or album poster. |
{plex_id} | The Plex ID for the item. (e.g. 5d7769a9594b2b001e6a6b7e) |
{plex_url} | The Plex URL to your server for the item. |
{imdb_id} | The IMDB ID for the movie. (e.g. tt2488496) |
{imdb_url} | The IMDB URL for the movie. |
{thetvdb_id} | The TVDB ID for the TV show. (e.g. 121361) |
{thetvdb_url} | The TVDB URL for the TV show. |
{themoviedb_id} | The TMDb ID for the movie or TV show. (e.g. 15260) |
{themoviedb_url} | The TMDb URL for the movie or TV show. |
{tvmaze_id} | The TVmaze ID for the TV show. (e.g. 290) |
{tvmaze_url} | The TVmaze URL for the TV show. |
{musicbrainz_id} | The MusicBrainz ID for the artist, album, or track. (e.g. b670dfcf-9824-4309-a57e-03595aaba286) |
{musicbrainz_url} | The MusicBrainz URL for the artist, album, or track. |
{lastfm_url} |
The URL for the album.
(Music library agent must be |
{trakt_url} | The URL for the movie or TV show. |
{container} | The media container of the original media. |
{bitrate} | The bitrate of the original media. |
{aspect_ratio} | The aspect ratio of the original media. |
{video_codec} | The video codec of the original media. |
{video_codec_level} | The video codec level of the original media. |
{video_bitrate} | The video bitrate of the original media. |
{video_bit_depth} | The video bit depth of the original media. |
{video_chroma_subsampling} | The video chroma subsampling of the original media. |
{video_color_primaries} | The video color primaries of the original media. |
{video_color_range} | The video color range of the original media. |
{video_color_space} | The video color space of the original media. |
{video_color_trc} | The video transfer function of the original media. |
{video_dynamic_range} | The video dynamic range of the original media. (HDR or SDR) |
{video_framerate} | The video framerate of the original media. |
{video_full_resolution} | The video resolution of the original media with scan type. |
{video_ref_frames} | The video reference frames of the original media. |
{video_resolution} | The video resolution of the original media. |
{video_scan_type} | The video scan type of the original media. |
{video_height} | The video height of the original media. |
{video_width} | The video width of the original media. |
{video_language} | The video language of the original media. |
{video_language_code} | The video language code of the original media. |
{audio_bitrate} | The audio bitrate of the original media. |
{audio_bitrate_mode} | The audio bitrate mode of the original media. (cbr or vbr) |
{audio_codec} | The audio codec of the original media. |
{audio_channels} | The audio channels of the original media. |
{audio_channel_layout} | The audio channel layout of the original media. |
{audio_sample_rate} | The audio sample rate (in Hz) of the original media. |
{audio_language} | The audio language of the original media. |
{audio_language_code} | The audio language code of the original media. |
{subtitle_codec} | The subtitle codec of the original media. |
{subtitle_container} | The subtitle container of the original media. |
{subtitle_format} | The subtitle format of the original media. |
{subtitle_forced} | If the subtitles are forced. (0 or 1) |
{subtitle_location} | The subtitle location of the original media. |
{subtitle_language} | The subtitle language of the original media. |
{subtitle_language_code} | The subtitle language code of the original media. |
{file} | The file path to the item. |
{filename} | The file name of the item. |
{file_size} | The file size of the item. |
{section_id} | The unique identifier for the library. |
{rating_key} | The unique identifier for the movie, episode, or track. |
{parent_rating_key} | The unique identifier for the season or album. |
{grandparent_rating_key} | The unique identifier for the TV show or artist. |
{art} | The Plex background art for the media. |
{thumb} | The Plex thumbnail for the movie or episode. |
{parent_thumb} | The Plex thumbnail for the season or album. |
{grandparent_thumb} | The Plex thumbnail for the TV show or artist. |
{poster_thumb} | The Plex thumbnail for the poster image. |
{poster_title} | The title for the poster image. |
{indexes} | If the media has video preview thumbnails. (0 or 1) |
Plex Remote Access | |
{remote_access_mapping_state} | The mapping state of the Plex remote access port. |
{remote_access_mapping_error} | The mapping error of the Plex remote access port. |
{remote_access_public_address} | The Plex remote access public IP address. |
{remote_access_public_port} | The Plex remote access public port. |
{remote_access_private_address} | The Plex remote access private IP address. |
{remote_access_private_port} | The Plex remote access private port. |
{remote_access_reason} | The failure reason for Plex remote access going down. |
Plex Update Available | |
{update_version} | The available update version for your Plex Server. |
{update_url} | The download URL for the available update. |
{update_release_date} | The release date of the available update. |
{update_channel} | The update channel. (Public or Plex Pass) |
{update_platform} | The platform of your Plex Server. |
{update_distro} | The distro of your Plex Server. |
{update_distro_build} | The distro build of your Plex Server. |
{update_requirements} | The requirements for the available update. |
{update_extra_info} | Any extra info for the available update. |
{update_changelog_added} | The added changelog for the available update. |
{update_changelog_fixed} | The fixed changelog for the available update. |
Tautulli Update Available | |
{tautulli_update_version} | The available update version for Tautulli. |
{tautulli_update_release_url} | The release page URL on GitHub. |
{tautulli_update_tar} | The tar download URL for the available update. |
{tautulli_update_zip} | The zip download URL for the available update. |
{tautulli_update_commit} | The commit hash for the available update. |
{tautulli_update_behind} | The number of commits behind for the available update. |
{tautulli_update_changelog} | The changelog for the available update. |
Note: Tags separate the media type that triggered the notifications (i.e. a complete show added to Plex vs. a single episode added to Plex). They do not separate the notification parameters (i.e. {show_name} vs. {episode_name}.
Note: Nesting tags inside each other is not supported.
All text inside <movie></movie> tags will only be sent when the media type is movie.
{title}<movie>({year})</movie> was recently added to Plex
All text inside <show></show>/<season></season>/<episode></episode> tags will only be sent when the media type is show, season, or episode, respectively.
{show_name}<season> - Season {season_num}</season><episode> - S{season_num}E{episode_num} - {episode_name}</episode> was recently added to Plex.
All text inside <artist></artist>/<album></album>/<track></track> tags will only be sent when the media type is artist, album, or track, respectively.
{artist_name}<album> - {album_name}</album><track> - {album_name} - {track_name}</track> was recently added to Plex.
Notification parameters with the !u modifier will be converted to uppercase.
{video_codec} --> hevc {video_codec!u} --> HEVC
Notification parameters with the !l modifier will be converted to lowercase.
{content_rating} --> TV-PG {content_rating!l} --> tv-pg
Notification parameters with the !c modifier will be converted to title case.
{media_type} --> movie {media_type!c} --> Movie
Notification parameters which have a list of items can be sliced with a slice formatter :[X:Y] to limit the number of items. Note: the first item in the list is numbered 0.
{actors:[0]} --> Only include the 1st actor (Actors: 0) {actors:[:4]} --> Only the first 4 actors (Actors: 0, 1, 2, 3) {actors:[2:]} --> Only the 3rd to last actors (Actors: 2, 3, 4, ...) {actors:[1:5]} --> Only the 2nd to 5th actors (Actors: 1, 2, 3, 4)
A prefix or a suffix can be added to the notification parameters using Prefix< and >Suffix. If the notification parameter is unavailable, the prefix or suffix will not be displayed.
{rating} --> 8.9 {Rating: <rating} --> Rating: 8.9 {rating>/10} --> 8.9/10 {Rating: <rating>/10} --> Rating: 8.9/10
Example with unavailable parameter:
{rating} --> Rating: {rating}/10 --> Rating: /10 {Rating: <rating>/10} -->
If combining multiple notification text modifiers, the order of the modifiers must be:
{Starring <actors!c:[0]> as the main character.} --> Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as the main character.
If the value for a selected parameter is unavailable, it will display as blank.
Global | |
{server_name} | The name of your Plex Server. |
{start_date} | The start date of the newsletter. |
{end_date} | The end date of the newsletter. |
{current_year} | The year of the start date of the newsletter. |
{current_month} | The month of the start date of the newsletter. (1 to 12) |
{current_day} | The day of the start date of the newsletter. (1 to 31) |
{current_hour} | The hour of the start date of the newsletter. (0 to 23) |
{current_minute} | The minute of the start date of the newsletter. (0 to 59) |
{current_second} | The second of the start date of the newsletter. (0 to 59) |
{current_weekday} | The ISO weekday of the start date of the newsletter. (1 (Mon) to 7 (Sun)) |
{current_week} | The ISO week number of the start date of the newsletter. (1 to 52) |
{newsletter_time_frame} | The time frame included in the newsletter. |
{newsletter_time_frame_units} | The time frame units included in the newsletter. |
{newsletter_url} | The self-hosted URL to the newsletter. |
{newsletter_static_url} | The static self-hosted URL to the latest scheduled newsletter for the agent. |
{newsletter_uuid} | The unique identifier for the newsletter. |
{newsletter_id} | The unique ID number for the newsletter agent. |
{newsletter_id_name} | The unique ID name for the newsletter agent. |
{newsletter_password} | The password required to view the newsletter if enabled. |
Recently Added | |
{newsletter_libraries} | The list of libraries included in the newsletter. |
Scan the QR code below with the Tautulli Android app to automatically register it with the server (make sure the Tautulli Address below is correct) or manually enter the connection info and device token into the app settings. This window will automatically close once device registration is successful.
Note: must not be blocked (e.g. in Pi-hole) for device registration.
Note: and localhost will not work. Please enter an internal or external IP address, or hostname or domain instead.
Note: This is a private IP address. Tautulli will not be reachable outside of your home network. Access Tautulli via an external address or manually enter the address above to generate the QR code for remote access.
Note: This URL is not secure. Requests between the app and the server will not be encrypted. Enable HTTPS to connect the app securely.
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